Our professional team of therapists will provide you with the help you need from the comfort of your home.

Helping you adjust to old age

Happy group of seniors in the park in a picnic in summer
Photo Taken On: August 06th, 2015

Therapeutic interventions for seniors have become popular since the recent decades. But before that, geriatric counseling was traditionally considered as inappropriate due to Freudian beliefs. And, modern studies have emphasized the importance of counseling services for the elderly and their families.

Geriatric counseling enables seniors to maintain their quality of life by helping them effectively deal with the changes that come with aging. Not only this helps seniors adjust to aging, but it also guides their families to better understand their aging loved ones. With CCC Counseling Services, you can continue the bond with you and your senior loved ones with no worries and stress.

To learn more about our geriatric counseling service, please contact us.

teacher and her student having fun